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Pastor Byron K. Hayes, Sr. and First Lady Carolyn Hayes

Pastor Hayes is an energetic, visionary leader who has committed his life to serving God and reaching out to the community regardless of race, color or creed to win souls for Christ.  He, along with his wife Carolyn, have been Leaders at the Open Door Deliverance Apostolic Church for the past two years.  Prior to becoming pastor and first lady; they served in associate pastor roles at Open Door for nearly 35 years.


Pastor Hayes and his wife, Carolyn, are leading the next generation with a message of faith, hope and love, healing and forgiveness. A message that NOTHING will be able to separate YOU from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. You are already equipped and can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.

They are the proud parents of three children, Byron Keith, Laura, and Melissa — and five grandchildren, Kameron, Jordan, Nixon, Madyson, and Jaxon.

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